What is a D-Group?
A Discipleship Group, or D-Group, is a gender-specific group of 3-5 believers that meet weekly for 6-12 months for accelerated spiritual transformation. The focus of a D-Group is to grow in your relationship with Jesus through Bible reading, reflection, accountability, and prayer. Through these disciplines, you will come to know Jesus and who you are in Jesus, in new and meaningful ways - all while growing in relationship with your fellow group members.

Why Should I be in a D-Group?
Because Jesus commanded us to “Go therefore and make disciples…” and this is a new option for doing just that! D-Groups will help you understand what it means to be a disciple and how to make disciples for Jesus.
What's the commitment?
D-Groups are an intensive season of spiritual growth with a high level of commitment, with an equally tremendous benefit to those who participate. D-Groups will meet weekly (for 60-90 minutes) over a period of 6-18 months. Every 8 weeks or so, the group may reevaluate and see how the process is going for each member.
Where do we meet?
Pick the place of your choosing - Restaurants, coffee shops, and homes are all good options. Meeting in the community encourages your group members to publicize their faith, teaching them it's okay to read the Bible at a restaurant or pray in public. Be sure to select a place that is convenient to all group members. If you need the use of the church, you will need to make that request through the church office.